The location of a proposed project identifies what type of residential or commercial use is permitted and development standards that determine required building design, construction, and additional approvals. This information can be found at the links below or on our interactive map at the Tupelo GIS link below.
Permitting staff are happy to help guide applicants through understanding their property and what is required for development.
What Base Zoning District is your property in? Find your zone in the City of Tupelo Development Code for allowed uses and where structures can be located on the lot. Many uses are required to be located on a designated arterial or collector road, see Arterial and collector road designations link below.
Is your property in a flood zone? Development in designated flood zones must be built 2 feet above the designated flood elevation. Find guidelines for development on the Building Division page “City of Tupelo Design Standards and Construction Specifications for Streets, Storm Water, Water Distribution, and Sanitary Sewer” manual.
Are suspect soils present? If yes, a geo-technical report is required and structures must be built on 3 feet of fresh buildable fill material.
Is your property in an Overlay or Historic District? Overlay and Historic Districts carry distinct design guidelines that can be found at the Planning and Zoning page.
71 East Troy St.
Tupelo MS , 38804